Thursday, May 1, 2014

Who is Anne Doyle?

Aside from interning with a Giants reporter, I have also made this project more personal by conducting research to see who was actually one of the first woman reporters in professional sports. After doing an internet search I came across a woman named Anne Doyle. Although many people have never heard off her, the obstacles that she has had to overcome has opened doors for women reporters today.  Her book, Powering Up details the crucial things women must be able to do in order for them to succeed as successful leaders in America. One of my favorite quotes from Powering Up is when Doyle is recounting one of her first experiences with discrimination in the sports journalism world. " When Detroit Tiger GM Jim Campbell told me, Over my dead body you'll go into our Tiger Clubhouse, I knew I had to open those locker rooms - not just for my own credibility, but for every woman sports reporter who would come after me.  This quote truly connected with me because as I saw when I attended the Giants game, there are not many female reporters in the press box today and which therefore means that there were absolutely no women during Anne Doyle's time and to have a woman that was so persistant and wanted to open doors for those who followed is an inspiration to me. I admire anyone who was able to withstand discrimination and have make an impact on society, but I look up to Doyle because she never gave up, even when the cards were not in her favor she knew she had to keep going in order to make a difference for young women like me.

Later on during the month, I will provide a transcript of the interview between Anne Doyle and I.

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